Your opinion matters to us!

We invite you to take the SymptomSurvey. Let us know how you think about flu-like and COVID symptoms. Citizens such as yourself, are the reason why the healthcare system exists. Healthcare professionals and policymakers need to lend an open ear to better understand your priorities.

In recent years, all of us have seen how disruptive flu-like and COVID symptoms can be to our lives. Yet, during medical visits, symptoms are often not addressed on an individual basis.

The SymptomSurvey is your opportunity to tell healthcare providers which symptoms would matter most to you, and why. The SymptomSurvey invites you to ‘cast your vote’, meaning, to inform the medical community how the healthcare system can be improved to serve you better.

Completing the SymptomSurvey will take about 20 minutes. To make the SymptomSurvey easier and more fun for you, we created the SymptomSurvey Chatbot, available to you in 20 languages. Please note that your participation is anonymous and voluntary. During the survey, you are free to skip questions at any time.

The survey data will be analyzed by public health scientists at an aggregate level. The SymptomSurvey is volunteer-run and supported by the EU-funded project ImmuHubs. It is led by the Vaccine Safety Initiative in collaboration with Families Fighting Flu, Make Mothers Matter, Think Young, Active Citizens Network, the European Parents Association and the European Academy of Paediatrics.